Monday, November 29, 2010

We're All Going to Die!

Feed your kids. Doesn't it sound so simple? Every day I feel blessed that I wake up in a country where food is plentiful and the biggest problem I have is that Safeway doesn't have a drive through! But I'm three years into being responsible for what goes into another human's mouth and I have to tell just keeps getting more confusing. If you're a mom, you know it's more than just trying to make the right decisions for your child's diet. It's also about saving face in front of a million other moms who are each armed with hours upon hours of Google research as to why giving your kid a peanut butter & jelly sandwich is the equivalent to throwing them a Joe Camel themed birthday party complete with cigarette laden goody bags. I seriously can't take it anymore. If I listened to every person around me, this would be a list of what I should NOT be feeding Emery if I have any intention of seeing him make to his 8th grade graduation:

- Milk & all dairy
- Wheat
- Peanuts (and most other nuts too)
- Soy
- Sugar
- Juice

And it goes on and on and on and on! If your favorite food isn't on list, one of it's ingredients probably is. And if by some miracle some food meets all of the requirements to stay off the forbidden list, then you are probably doing a huge disservice by actually cooking it (thus eliminating the nutrients) and spoiling all of your well intended efforts to be more aware in the first place.

I say ENOUGH ALREADY! I mean, really...aren't we just playing food roulette? Today's superfood could be tomorrow's carcinogen! And if it isn't, it is still probably packaged in some plastic that will by then be used as a biological warfare weapon. So I am taking a stand! Not against trying my hardest to make good decisions, but against listening to anyone who has a self-given PhD from Wikipedia. Or at least from anyone is concerned about food additives, but is somehow not concerned about the fact that the trendy aluminum thermos they tote their latte around in is also a carcinogen. Add to that list those who dote on the importance of organic greens only to show up at a play date with their kid holding a Happy Meal toy! I'm not going to lie, I do buy a lot of things organic because it's readily available now. But I sure as heck don't try and stop grandma from sneaking Emery fruit snacks which happen to be made with "100% Real Fruit Juice" (which as stated before is on the "don't eat list").

I realize that I am using my blog as a place to vent so if this annoys you then please just skip the rest and come back to my blog when it's more reader friendly. Here we go.....

I do my best to feed Emery what I think is healthy. This may or may not be different than what you feed your kid. My kid may or may not have the same "symptoms" to some crazy illness that your kid has that may or may not be related to whatever your kid eats. I'm aware of pesticides on produce, hormones in milk, and antibiotics in meats that may cause my kid to get cancer at age 40 based on some evidence by some doctor who apparently has the same amount of time to blog as I do with no job. Do you know what else I know? If I don't feed Emery something he is going to die at 4! So lay off world! I'll pretend I didn't know you had a Coscto hot dog for lunch yesterday and you let my kid have a juice box in peace, fair? Also, save your accolades about how your kid loves brussel sprouts for your husband who might actually care. I can assure you that anyone else who is acting interested is either a grandparent or only waiting for their turn to talk about their own kid. So let's just all thank the good Lord we have the means to feed our kids at all and talk about the weather...

I bet a few of you are wondering if I am specifically talking about you? The answer is no. This isn't about anyone in particular and I am sure I'm also an offender as I literally cannot make my hand pick up non-organic milk no matter how desperately my checkbook wants it to. And if I've ever offended anyone talking about that then I'm truly sorry! I'm committing to work on this...

I know some of you probably also think that you have some sage piece of wisdom that supersedes the ignorance of my post. I should probably warn you that I don't really want this to be an open forum and because it's my blog I can say that :)

I love one sided fights! I WIN!!

This picture helped calm me down because I got a little heated writing that :)


  1. I so love reading your "work", and, you SHOULD get paid for should write a column! Katie, Nate Z's Aunt

  2. Well, I did feed my son a hot dog from Costco today and I got him a smoothie there too, which I doubt is made with real fruit. Should I confess that I ate one too with a Diet Pepsi laced with aspartame? I did buy some organic apple slices there....but only because they were already sliced and put in ready to eat pouches. =-)

  3. This cracks me up! The area I live in is crawling with hippie food-nazi types. I literally know a couple who are raising their kids to be all- organic-gluten-free vegans. The funny thing is, their kids are the ones sneaking Pirate Booty off the ground like it's crack when their parents aren't looking while the other kids are just eating sensibly.

    Personally, I try to be as healthy as possible, but some goldfish crackers every once in awhile never killed a kid (if it had, I'd be dead). And Gramma's house is pretty much a free zone!

  4. awww ... what a cute puppy (lol)!

    I totally hear you! Thankfully, I've never had to deal too much with the opinions of others when it comes to what goes in my kids' mouths - except family members, and each family is vastly different (where one is telling me things like on your list, the other is giving my kids "hugs" drinks so they'll be "hydrated" in the heat - wow) I say, to each his own. Back when I could afford it I bought as much as I could organic. Amazingly it is not very available - at all - here and is very expensive, I just can't swing it anymore! We all do our best - the end!!!

    p.s. I know I say this every time - but I seriously LOVE your blog!
