Monday, October 18, 2010

JV! Should I Wear My Jersey on Thursdays?

Holy cow! Reader feedback has been amazing! Check out these rave reviews:

"Cute blog. I have to get back to work. Are you coming over for dinner?"
- My mom

"I love it! Why didn't you mention me more?"
- My sister

"I told you not to mention me!"
- "Amber"

Another quick update before we get down to business: I need to retract my comment about not paying attention to the "eye in the sky" cameras at Target. Word on the street is that Target rivals the CIA when it comes to store security. So do not, I repeat DO NOT mess with anyone sporting red and khaki! (Thanks for the tip cousin Becky)


Because today is going to be rather uneventful, I need to be honest and let you know that the only reason I am blogging is so you don't think that another blog bit the dust. Since this is my 4th post though, I'm pretty sure that graduates me from the Frosh team straight to JV in the land of blogs! I mean, my mom only made it 2 posts into her "Anita's Heart" blog before she officially hung up her computer writing pen. And if you know my mother you know that she was born to write! She once proudly showed me an article she had written in high school where she interviewed some actor for some movie that I have never heard of to which I replied, "Wow mom! I didn't know newspaper lasted this long!" Just kidding know I love you! And since your blog was mostly about your fabulous children I, for one, am starting a campaign to bring it back!!!

Other than that, all I have on my radar today is a trip to Costco which means a free lunch for Emery as long as the samples are good!* Truthfully, Emery isn't really interested in the samples. But I find that if I say loudly, "Emery, do you like this?" it keeps me from feeling obligated to listen to the speech about how the product freezes well or is significantly better for you than actual fruits and vegetables. (Sidenote: This is one of my favorite claims because I think to myself, "You're right lady! God wasn't on his A game that day!") Once, though, I accidentally used my standby "Do you like this Emery?" line before I looked at what the sample-pusher was giving away. It only took about four questionable glances from fellow mom-shoppers to make me wonder what grave mistake I had just made. Maybe I should have read the sign? Monster Energy Drink. Lesson learned.

I don't really have any great pictures that go with this story. So instead I will finish with a picture of Emery at his cousin Josiah's Birthday party this last weekend. Originally this picture also included a fireman posing at what Emery considered to be a safe distance away. I cropped him out though because it creeps me out that he looks younger than me. I guess logically it makes sense for a fireman to be young and fit. But it still disrupts the sense of security that was built when I was 8 during all those special "Stop, Drop, and Roll" assemblies. Some of the fireman I have seen lately leave me wondering if they are legally allowed to drive a car with another person in it. Speaking of fireman and cars - have you ever noticed how your Class C driver's license says you can drive any car under 26,000 pounds or any emergency vehicle operated by a firefighter? Translation - no special training required to drive those mega beast vehicles around town. Makes you think twice, huh?

* I'm starting to realize that some people take everything I write very literally. So I just want to ease any concerns and let you know that I do not, in fact, feed Emery Costco samples for lunch.


  1. Whatev.............when we go to Costco, the samples are like the appetizers before we have lunch at the Costco Cafe. I like to think of them as well-timed distractions that get me through my trip with no major meltdowns. Ever noticed how they scream less when they have food in their mouth?
    P.S. Garrett totally digs Emery's hat. It inspired him to run to his bedroom and get his. Such a trendsetter!

  2. You think you're so funny, don't you? Okay, are. Just for the record though, I never said that, or did I?

  3. ha ha - I would totally let my 2yr old have "costco sample lunch" ... it would probably add up to more than he generally eats at any given meal anyway! My big kids LOVE costco trips, for just that reason - all the "snacks"!
