Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10 things that annoy me

In lieu of a good story where I admit to things that most people would be smart enough to keep to themselves, I am just going to tell you about 10 things that drive me nuts. If any of these somehow describe you or your actions in the past, I apologize. It's not personal at all, I definitely don't go to bed thinking about it, and chances are that some of my actions would no doubtingly end up on your list as well.

So without further ado.....here is my list:

1.) Volkswagen Bug personalized license plates: If you really know me, then you know this one already. Why, oh why, is there a direct correlation between people who drive VW Bugs and people who feel the need to personalize their license plates?! The Bug owners take this obnoxious trend a step farther since the good majority of them also look for a way to fit "bug" somewhere in there. These are some examples I have seen: "Buggin," "LtlBug," "Buggrr," "Mybug," "MsBug" etc etc etc. I bet this will drive you nuts now too. You're welcome.

2.) "Dear so and so" status updates: I know most people have no problem with them. There is no good reason why these bother me. Maybe it's just that I'm getting older and I think to myself, "Hey...if that guy on the bus next to you smells bad enough that it would prompt you to write an entire update for 300 friends to read, then why not just move?" I would respect someone more if they said, "Dear friends, I am on the bus bored out of my mind trying to think of a witty status update and nothing is coming to mind. Love, me" I can relate to that one....

3.) Hair extension carts at the mall: Lady, I have 2 kids and I had to trick "Amber" into watching them for me while I shop. The last thing I have time for is trying on a 4 foot long ponytail held in place by a crystal butterfly.

4.)"Photomax" mall carts: This isn't normally on my list but the hair extension cart reminded me of this new franchise popping up across America in time for the holidays. They show you pictures of little kids dressed up with old fashioned glasses posed like they are reading a newspaper. The last time someone asked me if I was interested in winning a portrait package I had to hold back on asking, "Can't I just get these done at the fair cheaper?"

5.) The first person you talk to at any drive through restaurant: Do you know what I am talking about? When you pull up and a nice lady says something like, "Would you like to try one of our new iced coffee blends?" I think to myself, "Well didn't she sound lovely!" Only after I give my order am I thrown completely off guard by having it repeated back by a still squeaking 16 year male voice. There was just a huge recession people! If your employees can't read a one line script, I bet you can find 10 more who can, and for $1/hr less.

6.) Retailers who ask obvious questions: I hate when I take purchases to the counter and the cashier says, "Will you be purchasing these today?" Ummm.....no. Next week maybe. Actually...I just wanted to show them to you.

7.) Parents who brag about their kids non-stop: Now I'm not opposed to an occasional update on how Johnny is doing, or even a quick quip about he reads at age 3. But some parents are just aching for a one-up battle that all but leaves me contemplating a private happy hour before my next play-date with them. Awhile back though, my friend Jordan gave me a book called, "Great at Any Age" outlining amazing accomplishments and the ages at which they were achieved. Well according to that book Albert Einstein didn't even talk until age 3, so I bet those parent's kids peaked too early and the only thing they have left to look forward to is Johnny's 10 year reunion.

8.) January-June: Who made our Holiday calendar? All of the good celebrations are back-loaded leaving the front half of the year empty, rainy, and boring. If your defense to this is "Valentine's Day," then you're probably one of those people who isn't scarred by every other girl getting pink carnations delivered to homeroom in the 9th grade while your desk remained empty. I'm not bitter....

9.) Red light cameras: In theory, a great idea! In reality these make me more stressed than opening my latest Frontier bill. I don't think I've ever once run a red light. But since they put these up in an intersection close to my house a few weeks ago, I've come close at least 5 times! Yellow no longer means "proceed safely at a normal speed to clear the intersection." Instead it means "gun it or risk that double stroller in the back becoming a projectile missile with only your two kids car seats to break it's forward motion."

10.) Harry Potter, Avatar, & The Lord of the Rings: Yea, I get that I could lose a few friends over this since I tend to work with a lot of IT professionals. But I just can't get behind these movies no matter how hard I try. I'll give the writers a nod for being unbelievably creative. But I'll still take a good Nicholas Sparks movie fully knowing someone is going to die at the end before I borrow against my 401K to see these movies in 3-D. Somehow I'm sure James Cameron and J.K Rowling couldn't care less what I think and I doubt that their financial worlds are crumbling as a result of me being a fantasy movie hold-out. I don't try and convince you that "The Devil Wear Prada" is a cinematic masterpiece, so don't try and convince me that blue people with tails are worth 3 hours of my day when the last time I had that long to myself was early 2007.


PS - Things I love: Taylor Swift's new CD! I'm listening to it right now :) I don't care is she is 19, mainstream, and not the most amazing singer. The girl can write!!


  1. Once again, you are hilarious.

    And I'm totally with you on #9...I accidently ran through a red light Sunday morning on my way back from Portland. I can't remember if that specific intersection has one of those lights but if so I'm totally busted. Ugh.

    Now I'm off to check out some of Taylor Swift's songs. :)

  2. I'm so with you on a lot of those ... I am guilty of "dear so and so" status posts, though I don't often word them that way - lol!

    what about Easter? ha ha ... you're so right though, it's weird how so many are within the last two months of the years! That's especially compounded when you have kids all born from Nov to Feb!

    #10 I'm SO with you, actually - I haven't seen ANY of any of those movies!

    I love Taylor Swifts new album too! I bought it right after it came out! Does it help to know she's actually almost 21? Her and I actually share a birth-date!
