Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cheap Fixes and Crafty Solutions...

I'm getting an early start this morning!

But before I begin wasting your time with what has become my virtual dumping ground for all things that should remain private to those who posses common sense, I just want to stop and say thank you for all of your very kind comments about my blog.  I am in no way a writer! That was established in the 8th grade when I spent 5th period writing (using the term loosely here) for the school newspaper and was only ever trusted to be the editor of the "song dedication" section.  Can you guess how hard it was to be in charge of the "song dedication" section? Well let's just say it's about as difficult as playing the outfield in T-Ball. (And I know this because I spent two years there making daisy chains unaware that pint-sizes game were even going on!) I mean, all that was required for my writing assignment was that I checked the song dedication box kept in the school library, screen submissions for profanity, and type them accurately before the deadline. And seeing as we only had 4 issues a year...well, you get the picture. In any case, you are all very sweet and I admire your dedication to procrastination by means of reading my blog as much as I detest my dedication to procrastination by means of writing my blog.

So..... It's almost Thanksgiving!! This is a special holiday for me in that I am not usually invited to participate in the food preparation for reasons that can be easily assumed if you've ever read the very literal title on the top of this page.  It's like an entire day dedicated to giving me a break!  And for that....I am thankful.  I'm also thankful that it means my husband will be home for a long weekend!  I bet you think it's because I love him and miss him and value our time together?  Well I could say that, but then I would be giving into the very human instinct to disguise my real reasons with obligatory statements that might somehow make me feel like I am confirming to you that my marriage is still amazing! So I will instead just skip straight to honesty and tell you that before we start building holiday memories by holding hands around the Thanksgiving table, I need him to do some serious work around the house! Well that, and I love him, and miss him, and value our time together. (Can't fight instinct!)

More specifically, I need him to fix our kitchen window.  Sometime during the monsoon in the last few days our window started leaking.  Normally when these things happen I just ignore it like it's a "man problem" that doesn't concern me the same way he would ignore if I had autumn scented hand soap out during spring time. Men and women...different worlds, different priorities!  But seeing as I thought that he had already attempted to fix the window (he hadn't) and it was still leaking I started to get a little more concerned than usual. I do want to clarify that Luke is incredibly handy!  He works on our own cars, he can do minor remodels, and every picture frame in this house is hung to my exact standards.  He's also crafty with ideas and solutions!  This one time when I took him to meet some old college friends, he even successfully helped devise a system to inflate a kiddie pool with a leaf blower, duct tape, and a straw! (Side note - I probably shouldn't brag about any project that ends with your host saying, "I need to clean up this garage before my father-in-law sees how we did this.") In fact, because of Luke's proven skills, when things go wrong with his handy work, I get a little worried. I even had to corner him about fixing the window a full day before the long weekend started!

So last night, just barely out of his work clothes, he was outside in the downpour double checking the seals and waterproofing our window once again.  I felt so bad as I stared at him from a very warm and very dry kitchen while he worked for nearly 45 minutes to remedy the leak.  When he finally came in he told me that he was pretty sure he fixed it. I was trying to be supportive when I replied by telling him that I was sorry he had to be outside for so long!  Then he says, "It wouldn't have taken that long except my first idea to use duct tape didn't work the way I had hoped!" Ummm.......what???????!  Duct tape?  That was his original solution?  In all fairness when Luke gets home from work I thrust the entire weight of the household on him demanding that he watch the kids and give me a half hour to regain my sanity. And I have a hard time breaking this pattern even if Luke has additional responsibilities that require him to be outside in heavy rain, the man is a me! Anyway, our conversation when a little like this:

Me: Duct tape?
Him: was pretty smart, I built a ledge so the water would travel over the window.
Me: Duct tape?
Him:  Jenny, it's not a big deal!
Me: Duct tape?
Him: Jenny!  It was never intended to be a permanent solution.....unless it worked.

I'm kind of being an awful wife right now because I am writing about the 1% of the time where I really question his judgment while I never take the opportunity write about the 99% of the time he successfully fixes problems that are mostly created by me. Someday I'll give him a guest pass to take over my blog and he can tell you all of my shortfalls and begin to even the score out.  I'm guessing he could start with the day that I closed the garage door on myself breaking the car antennae off while he very sweetly acted as though it could happen to anyone!  That's actually the least of my offenses.....

Until that day, I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! You are a wonderful writer...don't sell yourself short! :) Funny story. Don't you love our devoted husbands who will do all the wet, cold, and yucky jobs? Even if their ways of doing it are sometimes questionable...

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
