Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cheese Graters go in the Back!

Why...oh why don't men instinctively know how to correctly load dishwashers? I mean....I am beyond blessed that I have a husband who has no problem helping with the dishes but, really? I would say that it's not rocket science, but it actually is! It took me a whole year of living in this house to figure out exactly how every sippy cup, cheese grater, dinner plate and even those pesky Baja Fresh cups could fit into that thing in a pre-ordained spot without a speck of wasted space. Lord forbid I don't maximize 42¢ of dish detergent in every single load! I don't know why this bothers me so much considering the fact that there are times (embarrassingly) that my solution to a forgotten load of laundry in the washer is to re-wash it with an entire cup load of detergent hoping that musky smell that develops on wet clothes after 8 hours of being ignored might disappear. In any case, I let out an (annoyed) sigh every time I see I see a cheese grater in the center when according to my "maximum capacity" mental map it belongs in the back corner!!

So I bet you can't guess what I've been doing this morning? Cleaning! We're headed out to Sunriver tomorrow for some much needed R&R and there is nothing I hate more than coming home to a messy house. (That and I thought it would be nice if our house-sitter didn't show up to a place with string cheese wrappers littering the counter.) Actually, there is something I hate more than a messy house. Packing. I. HATE. PACKING. I sucked at it when I just had to pack for myself. I reeeeeaaaaaaaally suck at it when I have to do it for myself and 2 kids. I get so caught up on things like making sure I have a backpack that will hold everything for 2 kids in case we go on a hike (that we will never actually go on) that in my distraction I forget things like socks, shampoo, diapers, and critical toys that will result in heartbreaking crocodile tears if not produced immediately!

Things I am excited about for this trip:
  • Time with my husband! It's been 5 years since he hasn't been in school or studying for the dreaded CPA exam while working 50-60 hour weeks on top of it all. Welcome back babe!!
  • Snow. Rain blows......snow is completely acceptable.
  • Bar-B-Que Chips. I don't actually like Bar-B-Que chips but something about Sunriver makes me crave them. It's random. It's like when you go into certain stores and no matter what you have to go to the bathroom. Or is that just me?
Things I am not looking forward to:
  • Getting there. It's ironic that I love to go to snow, but hate to drive through snow. I bet Luke is actually looking a little less forward to that part than me. I'm no prize to drive unless you are fond of someone sitting next to you holding their breath and scrunching their eyes in the most obvious, "You're going to kill us" way ever!
  • Putting my half potty-trained 3 year old in snow bibs and praying he tells me when he has to go. Recipe for disaster???! I think so.
  • Jillian Micahel's workouts while on vacation. This probably wouldn't be necessary if not for the Bar-B-Que Chips. What a horrible cycle!
Other than that, I better stop procrastinating and start organizing. Hopefully I will have some pictures next week! I know you are all crazy with anticipation....


  1. Just so you know, I am a dish professional. I even play the Tetris song in my head as I load the dishwasher. I have gone as far as having Shannon take pictures of some of my better loads. I am super anal about prewashing everything so I don't feel bad about over filling. We should have a load-off sometime.

  2. squinting your eyes while Luke drives to Bend. . .sounds like Grandma Gobet.
    Loading the dishwasher "just right" sounds like your dad. Can't deny your gene pool Jenny!
