Other than that, we're settling into our tax season lull where Luke and I spend every night arguing over whether it's worse to be working away from the kids 80 hours a week or worse to be alone with them for that same amount of time. We usually agree it's a draw. I'll tell you, it does not matter if I am MADLY in love with my children 79 of those hours and feel Heaven's blessing pouring down on me while experiencing extreme gratitude that God would let me be with them for all of their daily milestones! That last hour.....that last hour... you know what I'm talking about, right? That last hour where you are sure your neighbors are going to call CPS and you're going to be left explaining to some social worker why your child is half naked in timeout with finger paint in their hair screaming, "I'll never love you again mommy....NEVER!!!!!!!" in a house where the clean laundry pile looks much like the dirty laundry pile and you're zoned out watching some questionable show on ID Discovery. Been there? Or is that just me?
Anyway, in an effort to divert my attention away from how awful this time of year is for us, I've been planning a vacation to act as my light at the end of the tunnel! The only problem with this is that I'm a woman and we plan vacations like they're weddings! We have checklists of details that only get more complicated the more time we have to plan. Given the months I have, I'm not just pricing the big things like airfare and hotel....I have full-on found myself looking at images of food available at restaurants in the vicinity thinking, "I should write down that I want to try that!" I'm not talking about steak dinners here, I'm talking about things like Churros and Carmel Apples because this is the year we're going to Disneyland! Do you know that there are entire websites of people who post pictures of Disneyland food? Is it weirder that they take and post pictures or weirder that I somehow found that site, browsed it, and am openly admitting it to you now? I'd say that's another draw....
The biggest dilemma in planning a Disney vacation is that Emery has no idea what Disneyland is! We did take him to Disneyworld when he was 20 months old, but other than a few pictures of him in his obligatory Mickey ears in front of the castle, it's nothing he really remembers. So now I need to figure out how to get him completely pumped about going while simultaneously breaking his heart and making him think we're not going so I don't have to listen to two months of, "Is it time yet?" Talk about a roller coaster! For example, up until now, he's been begging to go to the Great Wolf Lodge (it's the only kid oriented place he really remembers so it's the default winner) and I asked him how he would feel if we went to Disneyland instead? He cried. I mean CRIED!! That was one of those hours.
To combat this I bought him the Disneyland Kinect Adventures game to introduce him to the concept of Disneyland. (If you have a Kinect, this game is awesome! It's a very accurate virtual Disneyland game). It worked!! Now he doesn't want to go anywhere except Disneyland! Unfortunately, in the meantime I grew even more determined to make the trip somewhat of a surprise so when he asked if we could go to Disneyland I said, "Maybe this year we'll do the Great Wolf Lodge instead." He cried. I mean CRIED!
Yeah, I did this to myself! Why not make 80 hours/week of primary parenting just a little more frustrating to get through? Pray for me people.....I'm my own worst enemy for sure.
Have a great Tuesday!
PS: If you think that because I admitted we're going to be out of town that I'm opening up my house to being robbed, then I offer this advice:
1. Bring an allen wrench because I'm not replacing our old Ikea furniture until my kids stop pouring milk on our couch. Trust me, it will cost you more in gas to get here than you'll make in the craigslist market selling our Scandinavian space saving shelves!
2. "Cary" owes me a favor or two and I fully expect that their new family of four will take shifts camping out at my front door watching for suspicious activity. In fact, asking her to do this is the next item on my checklist...
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Do you think he'd had enough? Poor kid is in a happiest-place-on-earth coma! |